Pass the word



Stolen laptop

My apartment was busted by a burglar and the piece of shit made off with my computer, cell phones, and cash. He left behind, though, my identification stuff, cock rings, and Hermes "toilet water".... But my computer! with all those racy, saucy, nasty, pornographic pics and videos ---of me!


So if you suddenly see lots of me on youtube or facebook or myspace or any other nosey, gossipy ass "networking" site, just know you're not 'talking' with me. Aye, aye, aye....


Mexican chicks want me for one thing

In Mexico, the Mexican females want for me only one thing: posing for a picture.

Not a date, not a dance, nor a kiss let alone a fuck. No, they just want to stand next to my black ass so they can giggle and show everybody they actually saw "one of the them" and, look, here's the proof! Like I'm a zoo animal or Tranny Gaga sideshow. 

They literally run over with camera(phone) in hand and start sidling up against me, telling their friend to snap the picture. And to say no to the request is to cause them to whine or, worse, start an argument. Not all expressions of attention are always desired. The camera bullshit is not flattering (anymore) - it's annoying - and never loses its luster of disrespect and degradation. 

The Latinas all say they like black skin but damn if they'll ever follow through...they are much too, oh, "traditional" and "conservative" for that. Switch the face from an ignorant brown Mexican to a white gringo and, what d'ya know, no person from the civilized world mistakes those racist euphemisms. I started to handle the requests/demands like this: Why, because I'm a black man? To which they always smiled, Yes! Well, I'd say, black people are not here for your amusement, and then just look at their stupid expression in silence. 'Nuff said. Adios.


Just press Play

I met up with a hardcore fan in San Francisco. He had a thing for underwear. He owned lots of underwear. Fancy, expensive, designer underwear! And most were too, well, sexy for him...his body was, well, was made for the more ordinary, practical boxers. And so was his personality. I had to get away from that guy. Sometimes porn fans just don't know boundaries.... Before we split, though, he gave me a pair of underwear which I kept and wore.
Sometimes porn fans just don't know boundaries...he didn't get to press play
Just for fun I couldn't resist posing in them during a photo shoot. I meant to send him the pic but, fuck it, he was a nut. And so he didn't get to press play. Here it is!