Hiring models from Machofucker or any other website or porno requires a heavy dosage of realism. This is important. If you are not realistic enough to keep in mind that pornography is fantasy, then you are being unrealistic...and if you're wrong from Square One, then everything else follows fucked up. Speaking in general terms:
- Why would a model want to go to bed with you? No, seriously, that's the blunt question. If your answer is "I dunno know" then you're unrealistic and should never, ever contact a model.
- If you can't afford to confirm a booking with a telephone call or deposit, then your cheap ass can't afford a date. No sex worker should give you the time of day.
- Just because a guy has sex on camera doesn't mean he wants to have sex with you...or is even easy to have sex with. Doing porn doesn't obligate me to pay attention to you, let alone fuck you.
- Though he be an escort still doesn't mean you'll get to have sexual relations together.
- It ain't hard to hire strippers or porn actors for private functions
BUT if it ain't easy for you either, then chances are high the snag is on your end: you are either in too remote a location, the wrong city (remember supply and demand? No sufficient demand, no supply), or are just too goddamn shady to be bothered with. As the saying goes, Joe, No pay, no play.