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Will Bruno Gmuender sale my books?

I visited Bruno Gmuender HQ in Berlin about the prospect of offering some copies of my book or even hosting an author's event, thinking it would be a unique pairing of worlds. After all, how many porn models actually WRITE or publish actual books (as opposed to smatterings of ranting poetry, lyrics, or "urban photography")?

I'm featured in several Gmuender publications and I'm not ashamed of those what better way to celebrate the two than to have a meet-and-greet A Porn Star (with a brain as big as his dick)! Well...Bruno didn't jump at the proposal and hasn't returned my calls since so I doubt very much any of my books will be in any of the stores.


  1. So...what's this book you've mentioned? And is it available in The States? You probably have an insane schedule, but I'd I'd like to know more about your taste in books and music in addition to some of your other writings. The blog is really well done. Congrats!

  2. Yes the book is available in the States! Go to the right-side panel and click on the link in WISH LIST or the frog icon beneath it to preview and place an order from either of two bookstores.

    Enjoy the 'blog. It'll be ceased after this month.

    sexy Troy


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sexy Troy