Dear Troy
Thank you for my nickname! I'll try to use it as much as possible from now on. The biggest question now is whether you find polar bears attractive enough to fuck.... :)
I'd hoped I'd shared enough (and continue to share enough) to let you know more about me. I'm not trying to hide things from YOU....
Although you think we've talked in person or on another forum about gay marriage (or any other issue), we haven't. I wish...! As I've said before, I've fantasized about "crushing" you in debates (but the fantasy went farther), although you're wise to separate polemics from conversation, which is usually more productive and almost always friendlier! I know we could have some interesting and valuable conversations, partly in Nietzsche's sense---playful seriousness and serious playfulness---and partly in Gramsci's---optimism of the will and pessimism of the intellect. The latter seems to sum up what you've lived through, that is, how you've approached (had to approach?) a lot of your experience. It seems there's no other way you could live your particular nomadic existence, the one you must have in your own skin, a skin that is so beautiful, whose sweat is so much like a miraculous oasis in deserts of being that I want to be there to drink it (you) up, but that idiot others see as the terrible cause and/or deserved effect of second-, third-, or tenth-class status. Maybe it would be better for a while to see what it's like to have a white guy along who's fine with few possessions but still has plenty of white privilege to throw around. We could practice our polyamory, calibrate it, bring home guys to play with or just play ourselves (even if you'll want a woman sometimes). And there will be discussions galore and some burdens lifted from you or shared.
Read more: http://troymoreno.blogspot.com/2015/04/dear-troy-polyamory-american-nigger-in.html#ixzz3YEuUEQnI
Dear Polar Bear:
We've met before. I know you.
As I said before, we've never met. Believe me, I would've remembered! ;)